Planum low pitch roof tiles installation

Planum low pitch roof tiles installation

Planum low pitch roof tiles installation

Planum interlocking roof tiles can be laid using one of the following methods:

  • on a continuous frame, which has to be completely flat in order to ensure correct installation tiles and their fixing components so to avoid any leaks
  • on a discontinuous frame 
  • battens which will be fixed by building a batten counter batten deck

The laying pattern of Planum low pitch roof tiles is broken bond (also known as cross bond) as follows:

  1. The starter course begins with the Planum right side course(Rake trim - Q88*K) from the eave to the ridge (Q02*K, Q90*K, Q110*K, Q120*K, Q145*K).
  2. The starter course will begin with a full tile (B1). The tiles structuring the eave will have to overlap the side course and fit together one to another. The second course will be started with half tile (Q85*K) - (C1) and will be laid to provide the proper vertical exposure. This exposure is continued through each successive course.
  3. All joints of the second course and succeeding courses should be at the center line of the previous course, alternating half tiles (Q85K) and full tile at the start and at the end of each course (Q89*K).

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