Enhanced Safety: The Critical Role of Rooftop Training

Enhanced Safety: The Critical Role of Rooftop Training

Mark Dunn, head of training at Sika's Roofing Division, stresses the critical importance of adhering to health and safety measures, particularly in light of the Building Safety Act.

He illustrates how compliance within the industry is effective for maintaining the Golden Thread of Information. Dunn emphasizes the significance of comprehensive training by highlighting his company's rooftop training programs.

One in Five Construction Deaths Involve Roof Work

Working at height entails numerous risks, which is why it's no surprise that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that almost one in five deaths in construction work involve roof work.

This includes accidents like falling from roof edges or openings or through fragile rooflights. It's essential to remember that whether you're spending a whole day installing a roof or just conducting a survey that takes a few minutes, you must still be trained to the same high standards and aware of all necessary precautions that must be taken.

Therefore, it's vital for anyone working at height to receive the correct training, as well as ongoing support and guidance.

Building Safety Act

Following the tragic events at Grenfell, Dame Judith Hackitt conducted the Hackitt Review and subsequently developed the Building Safety Act (BSA), which received Royal Assent in April 2022. The Building Safety Act has introduced significant transparency to building standards. Building owners are now required to manage safety risks and take responsibility for safety throughout the design, construction, completion, and occupation of buildings.

The Golden Thread

The Golden Thread was established within the BSA to ensure that all individuals involved in a project have access to the necessary information to comprehend the building and the steps required to maintain the safety of both the building and all individuals working on or using it.

Moreover, those accountable for the building must demonstrate that the finished building and any subsequent work comply with the relevant building regulations. The Golden Thread ensures that this information is readily accessible.

Furthermore, the Golden Thread assists all parties involved in the project in identifying, managing, understanding, and mitigating building safety risks throughout the building's lifecycle. Given that slips, trips, and falls are the leading causes of accidents when working at heights, the Golden Thread plays a crucial role in enhancing the safety of individuals working on rooftops.

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